Gill Inked

December 18, 2008

3 years and two days ago the University at Buffalo embarked on a new mission to raise their program from it’s lackluster on-field performance and bring in a new coach with a proven track record to provide the meager fan base something, anything that would make them competitive.

They found a coach, who when first contacted did not know that Buffalo had a division I-A program after the new Athletic Director with a Michigan pedigree couldn’t even get people in his inner circle to provide him with ANYONE that had ANY interest in signing on to become Buffalo’s new head man.

He, or the search committee placed a call to a Player Development Director with the Green Bay Packers to gauge his interest in the position.  He was going to out and out decline the invitation to interview, but then after discussing it with his wife he changed his mind and felt that at the very least this interview would at least prepare him for future job openings.

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