Gill Inked

December 18, 2008

3 years and two days ago the University at Buffalo embarked on a new mission to raise their program from it’s lackluster on-field performance and bring in a new coach with a proven track record to provide the meager fan base something, anything that would make them competitive.

They found a coach, who when first contacted did not know that Buffalo had a division I-A program after the new Athletic Director with a Michigan pedigree couldn’t even get people in his inner circle to provide him with ANYONE that had ANY interest in signing on to become Buffalo’s new head man.

He, or the search committee placed a call to a Player Development Director with the Green Bay Packers to gauge his interest in the position.  He was going to out and out decline the invitation to interview, but then after discussing it with his wife he changed his mind and felt that at the very least this interview would at least prepare him for future job openings.

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For all the UB-Believers

December 9, 2008
Vodpod videos no longer available.

MAC Championship Preview

December 5, 2008

“The Picture Doesn’t Exactly Explain My Predicted Outcome”

It is no secret that I am unabashed UB supporter and graduate.  These claims I cannot deny, I will however attempt to present a fair and balanced view of tonight’s game for my dear readers.  But, I cannot go much further without referencing some of the funniest UB ramblings on the Internet, which come from and specifically Hokie200Proof.  Here’s my favorite passage: 

“Lord Gill sits in his chariot, proudly surveying all that he had accomplished.  After three months of fighting, sweat and blood, Gill has 7 heads tied to his reigns.  The heads were once the prized possession of those who were foolish enough to raise armies against the will of Gill.” 

While this is madness, it’s pretty damn funny.  Let’s break the game down, yes I put the spread in there for fun:

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50 Reasons to Watch UB-Miami instead of the Presidential Election

November 4, 2008

“Don’t Blame Me, I voted for the Other Guy”

50.  The game will be over by 11, the election coverage may go weeks…..remember 2000?

49.  McCain’s teeth are scary

48.  Do Democrats really want to be crestfallen again?

47.  Drew Willy is one of the best QBs in the nation that you don’t know.

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College Football Week 4

September 19, 2008

Playing poker near Vince Carter is fun.

So this week LWN got the chance to play some cards with, well actually near Vince Carter and let me tell you it was stunning.  It’s always a bit frightening when an NBA player is sitting at a table near you and keeps glancing at you because of your blogging popularity…..Or maybe he was just looking at the Colorado- West Virginia tilt on the big screen behind me.  In any event, it’s always a blast playing at the Daytona Kennel Club because everyone chases cards and since it is real life and not “simulators” it can work out in your favor if you have any sense about you.

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