LWN picks Divisional Weekend

January 12, 2008

A Story About Single Serving Friends”

Fight Club single serving friend

We’ve all seen Fight Club. A single serving friend is someone you meet once during travel and never see again. My most recent trip to Iowa had a number of noteworthy single serving pals.

I hate Iowa

But let me back up. I would like to make it clear that I do not enjoy Iowa. I even sent a text message to my boss at one point saying, “Is this heaven (Field of Dreams reference)? No, its a vast wasteland of fertile ground.” There is not all that much to Iowa, its not the worst place I have ever seen but it still sucks. Here is why. You know sometimes I reference the University of Tennessee to say that the problem with UT- Knoxville is that two of the dumbest people I have ever met went to that school. Well, one of the dumbest, most unintentionally annoying, arrogant people I have ever met is from the great state of Iowa. We will call him “E.”

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UDOJ Gives Us His Playoff Picks

November 20, 2007

The Ultimate Decider of Justice was late with his picks, but usually he is too crunk out of his mind to make deadlines. No matter though, you will find his words entertaining. Remember to click on the links for added hilarity.

While clearly inferior at the top and bottom, as well as in the middle, the NFC stands to gain the most from this campaign because it will offer compelling drama at the top of the seeding tree. Read the rest of this entry »